Alkoof mobilhome
7 reizigers
€ 125
4 plaatsen met veiligheidsgordelPlaatsen met veiligheidsgordel
4 slaapplaatsenComfortabel slaapgedeelte voor 4 personen
Rijbewijs BJe hebt enkel je rijbewijs nodig om dit voertuig van minder dan 3500 kg te besturen
Document gecontroleerdHet kentekenbewijs is door ons nagekeken en goedgekeurd
Buitenlandse reizen toegestaanDe eigenaar geeft zijn voertuig toestemming om in verschillende landen te rijden
Huisdieren niet toegestaanJouw huisdieren kunnen geen deel uitmaken van deze reis
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Ons team staat altijd voor je klaar
Meer gemak met onze betaalmogelijkheden
Ons team biedt je alternatieven in geval van last-minute problemen
This semi-integrated motorhome can accommodate up to 4 people and is suitable for holidays with friends or family. The camper is equipped with practical extras such as an awning, a huge rear garage and a bicycle rack. A TV with DVD player provides entertainment on the go. There are two single beds in the rear. If required, the entire area can be used as a large bed with an additional mattress. In the pull-down bed in the front area there is enough space for up to 2 more people. The kitchen has everything you need for supplies on the go: a 3-burner stove, a sink and a fridge with a freezer compartment are available. The bathroom has a sink, toilet with SOG and a shower.
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Viajar de Autocaravana, sem rumo, escolhendo aquela falésia sobre o mar para passar a noite, é uma ideia cheia de romantismo que já não se aplica apenas a surfistas adolescentes, dispostos a tudo em busca da “onda perfeita”. Equipada com quarto, casa de banho, cozinha, televisão, água quente e energia obtida através de painéis solares, as nossas Autocaravanas permitem viver semanas ou meses “com todas as condições”, desfrutar da natureza, conhecer o país, não ter horários para cumprir, evitar hotéis e fazer amizades.
Vanaf € 125/dag