2 reizigers
€ 79
3 plaatsen met veiligheidsgordelPlaatsen met veiligheidsgordel
2 slaapplaatsenComfortabel slaapgedeelte voor 2 personen
Rijbewijs BJe hebt enkel je rijbewijs nodig om dit voertuig van minder dan 3500 kg te besturen
Document gecontroleerdHet kentekenbewijs is door ons nagekeken en goedgekeurd
Buitenlandse reizen toegestaanDe eigenaar geeft zijn voertuig toestemming om in verschillende landen te rijden
Huisdieren welkom aan boordJouw huisdieren kunnen deel uitmaken van de reis!
Doe een huuraanvraag, gratis en zonder verplichting!
Inbegrepen verzekering of versterkte formule, aan jou de keuze !
Ons team biedt je alternatieven in geval van last-minute problemen
Ons team staat altijd voor je klaar
Meer gemak met onze betaalmogelijkheden
Camelia is a Fiat Ducato L3 H2 designed with a lot of love. Despite being relatively new, she's traveled to several countries, which means her owner is quite adventurous. It's a very comfortable van to drive, as it's not as wide as motorhomes, allowing it to navigate city streets, town roads, or rural paths with ease.
It comes equipped with everything needed for living, whether in summer or winter. In the kitchen area, you'll find a two-burner gas stove (with a spare gas cylinder), a 122-liter refrigerator, a sink, storage space, and all the cookware for 4 people. This area also contains the panel for controlling water and electricity levels.
The bathroom includes a 20-liter Porta Potty and a hot-water shower with a partition (electric water heater). In the dining area, there's a foldable table (to maximize space), seating, and the control for the heating system. It also has storage space in a full-sized wardrobe that is 90 centimeters wide, two drawers under the bed, and upper shelves.
Finally, the double bed with memory foam mattress and pillow comes with included bedding. You'll find two windows and two skylights with mosquito screens and blackout shades. The clean water tank has a capacity of 120 liters, as does the gray water tank. It also features a solar panel on the roof.
And if you're someone who enjoys camping, it also includes an outdoor table and two chairs, as well as an adapter and extension cord to connect to a power source, along with a hose for filling the water tank.
The van is new from 2023 and in perfect condition, so if you're willing to take care of it as much as I do, I'd be delighted to share it with you!
115x180 cmDe terugbetaling hangt af van de annuleringsdatum van de reservering.
Het exacte adres wordt gecommuniceerd wanneer de boeking wordt bevestigd.
Hola, soy Rut, una apasionada furgonetera que tuvo un sueño un día de tener una furgoneta camperizada para viajar por el mundo ¡y lo conseguí! Por el momento, mi furgo, llamada Camelia ha recorrido España, Francia, Reino Unido, Irlanda, Bélgica y Países Bajos. ¿Cuál será su próxima aventura?
Vanaf € 60/dag